Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pickin Peaches

Our next door neighbor has a peach tree that just went crazy so she invited us over to pick peaches. We made a big event out of it for the kids because they were so excited. We took the wagon and it's a good thing we did because we would of had a hard time carrying all the peaches that they picked.
Off and Rolling.

This was their favorite part being able to climb up the ladder and see how high they could reach.

The Fruit of our labors.

1 comment:

Chris and Sue Knight said...

Picking Peaches never looked so fun!!
Are you canning them or making jam I hope.

The kids do look like they are having fun.


Having Fun At the Beach

Roasted Honey

Earthy Tones


Monkeying Around


Palm Beach

Palm Trees


Halloween 2


Holiday Cheer

Sleighbells ringing
